作者:Andrew Comegna

世界上有很多唾手可得的果实来培养你的技能. 你必须走出去把它摘下来. From self-study courses to professional seminars, there are endless resources to better yourself. Developing a growth mindset 和 capitalizing on opportunities for growth is a challenge worth undertaking. A little extra effort can create large developments for you personally 和 professionally.

Taking on the challenge of continuous learning will result in many positive outcomes, 包括创造更多的就业机会, 增强对自己能力的自信, 和 鼓励你周围的人成长.

Four tips to leverage small actions that yield big results in your career development.

1. 养成自己的记忆方式.

最简单的方法之一, yet most impactful pieces of advice I have received was to find out how to remember things. Developing your way to remember is an incredibly important steppingstone on your road to growth. 无论是在笔记本上写日记, 在笔记本电脑上输入会议记录, 或者使用在线项目管理工具来跟踪项目, 发展你的记忆方式对你的发展至关重要. In addition, it gives you ownership in how you track 和 schedule your day-to-day. 有笔记, 项目状态更新, or even theoretical knowledge of your industry catalogued somewhere for you to reference is vital. 当有人提出问题时,你已经准备好了答案! This catalog of information in an easily accessible format allows you to be organized 和 accomplish tasks 和 goals efficiently 和 with ease. It helps lessen the stress of worrying about what’s left to be done or how to approach a difficult task. 如果你不知道你做了什么或者你得到了什么指示, 那么你如何采取可行的步骤来实现成长和发展呢? An organized reference point allows you to remember what is left to be accomplished 和 how you can accomplish it.

2. 为自己投资.

投资回报率最高的资产类别是你自己. 当你腾出时间来盘点你所能提供的东西, you can focus on key areas 和 receive substantial rewards by improving those areas. There are countless resources available to you to sharpen your skillset 和 encourage your growth. Whether it’s a self-study course on financial modeling or a YouTube series on coding, 机会似乎是无穷无尽的磨练你选择的手艺. 一旦你花时间磨练自己的技能,LinkedIn就会提供免费服务 技能评估 这将奖励通过评估的“技能徽章”. These skill badges are often used by recruiters 和 other searches to help filter top c和idates 和 service providers to help their company. 就我个人而言, I was able to gain a skill badge in Microsoft Excel as a product of my personal investment of enrolling in a 估价与金融自学课程 加深了我的知识,提高了我的Excel技能. The comprehension 和 proficiency that I gained allowed me to l和 my current role at LBMC as an Analyst in the 企业估值 和 诉讼支持 Services group, a significant step up in my career. 再加上一点勇气和业余时间的额外工作, 我能够增强我对金融理解的信心, 提高我的技术能力, 找到一份我想要的工作.

3. 问问题,问问题,再问问题.

正如一句古老的谚语所说,“没有愚蠢的问题。.我们都不愿意相信这一点,但我们应该相信. 确定, 有些问题措辞不当,考虑不周, 但是每个问题, 不管是什么性质, 是对知识的追求吗. 在追求知识的过程中,要有勇气 问问题. 不要害怕问问题. 虽然你可能不想显得愚蠢, it is more efficient to 问问题 in the moments that you are weighing them so you can continue to work effectively 和 learn quickly. When prepping for a meeting with a client or manager, write down at least five questions. 每个问题都会有自然的后续问题, 在会议结束时, 大约20个问题将得到回答. From then on, you will be a master on the topic 和 can own that knowledge thereafter. As you navigate how to best formulate these questions, try to first find the answers yourself. This extra thought could afford you the answer without question 和 can enhance your critical thinking skills. On the road to growth, asking questions can be one of the steepest hills to climb. It takes courage to put yourself out there 和 admit that you don’t know something. 你的问题就越多, the more comfortable you are fostering your curiosity – 和 the more comfortable you are reaching out to others who are masters of their craft.

4. 了解你的经理和高层领导.

Taking the time to reach out to managers 和 senior leaders might be even more daunting than asking specific, 以知识为基础的问题. This is another area that requires a courageous leap to put yourself out there. 在LBMC,我们有 培训计划 that gives dedicated mentorship to team members from managers in their shared service line. Senior leaders have navigated the territory where you currently are – 和 have excelled. If you think your professional experience is specific to you, then think again! You are not alone, as these leaders have shared your experience at some point in time. 他们已经确立了自己的职业生涯,并且了解工作的细微差别. Take advantage of the opportunity to gain access to their “10,000 hours” of experience. 当你了解你的经理, you learn more about how they developed as professionals 和 can figure out even more the 为什么 你的角色. 此外,优秀的管理者会考虑到你的最大利益. 当你更了解他们时,他们也会更了解你. 这会让他们理解你的目标 帮助你在发展中振作起来. If someone has trotted the ground you are on, then 为什么 not get to know how they got through it? 驾驭曲折, 转, ups 和 downs are all at your disposal if you harness your bravery to reach out.

At the heart of growth 和 development, curiosity 和 courage are the driving forces. If you treat your role from the lens of a student wanting to learn as much as you can, 然后你会进步很快. 勇敢地培养你的好奇心. 勇于学习,勇于探索. 用你学到的知识, 慷慨地与那些, 像你这样的, 内心充满好奇.

你是否有一种成长型的思维模式,具备可以发挥作用的技能? 加入明升体育app下载团队.

Andrew Comegna is an Analyst in LBMC’s 企业估值 和 诉讼支持 Services group. 可以联系到他 安德鲁.comegna@sepon-boutique-resort.com.